happy friendsgiving!

November 27, 2013

It's the simple fact that when the Holidays come around it's more of a reason to get together. I have been anticipating this time of year. I've been spending quality time with loved ones who are back in town. Prior to celebrating Thanksgiving, I got together with G, and we had our own little Friendsgiving.

I always adore G's space, and it's always so comforting and fun to spend time with her. Here is Penelope the infamous fabric mannequin. Which has a great collection of Jewelmint, and other great sparkles!

One thing I always appreciate about my friends, is whenever I craft something up and give to them, they always have it showcased in their space/bedroom. On the right hand side, is paper patterned flowers I made a few years ago. I used a Paper Source template I had, and added the handmade florals, in a vintage vase.

I brought over tea, along with Maple Cookies. We conversed and laugh over dinner. We indulged during dessert. It was a perfect start for celebrating the Holidays. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! xoxo

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