last, good, happy friday.

September 05, 2014

My work schedule has always been off. Sometimes i'll have a Friday and Saturday off. During the week I get random days off, it's all in the process of working at a showroom. All that will be winding down and coming to an end. As work transitions, so does the seasons. Before Fall starts I will be sharing with you guys my Summer Highlights which includes my trip to France, San Francisco, more little bistros, and of course tea rooms. As things are changing, I wanted to savor this week and really enjoy my days off. I woke up early this morning and spent some one-on-one time in the kitchen. Nothing fancy, I seriously just wanted to use my table top! :p

It was simple, I wanted to make breakfast. I was craving tea this morning vs. coffee. I knew exactly which tea to make as I knew it would perk me up and keep me energized throughout the day. I drank a green tea with mint and lemongrass. Pairing it with something sweet is always my preference so I cut a piece out of a Baklava Coffee Cake. Lastly, I got some fresh peaches from the farmers market yesterday so I cut one up, which was perfect to eat on the side.  

All of the table top shown above is from my own collection and all from Anthropologie. Surprisingly I only own a set of dinner plates that I bought a while ago at a Antique store. Although, I've been eyeing this one and this one. Soon enough brunch and dinner parties will happen, just you wait! ;)

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